Industry 4.0 is based on 3D printing. However, before examining the
significance of additive manufacturing, it is first necessary to understand what
Industry 4.0 is. Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution involves the
automation and digitalization of industry and all business-related processes.
The characteristics of new technologies have defined the various industrial
revolutions that occurred throughout history. These traits and new technology is
changing the way in which industries conduct their of production with speed.
They also trigger social and economic change that fundamentally alters the
course of human history. The 19th and 20th century societies have experienced
three technological and industrial revolutions that led to the development of
society and economy in all aspects.
Since 2014, the industry as well as society and economy have been
experiencing a new transformation that was triggered by the fourth industrial
revolution. This was due to the rapid growth in technology and ICT over the past
10 years. Industry 4.0 is the result. Industry 4.0 integrates digital, physical
and biological systems in order to build an efficient production system that
permits diverse components to interact and collaborate. Likewise, it is
comprised of a variety of innovative technologies that give rise to adaptable,
intelligent and autonomous solutions. This shift is a digital transformation of
industry and businesses through the integration of new disruptive technologies
such as 3D printing IoT, cyber-physical systems (CPS) cybersecurity, cloud
computing blockchain artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning,
and big data. This creates the future industry also known as the Smart Factory.
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3D printing and the future of manufacturing 4.0
The 3d printing logo is among the leading emerging technologies of Industry
4.0 . The application and use of additive manufacturing together with other
technology, is producing an improvement in the manufacturing sector towards an
intelligent manufacturing that is where machines (autonomous, automatic and
intelligent), systems and networks are able to exchange information and adapt to
the system of management. In addition, as a technology capable of turning the 3D
design into a finished product without any intervention, 3D printing has a
essential role to play. Additionally, the requirement for costly tools and
fixtures can be eliminated, which reduces post-processing, material waste as
well as human intervention. These are the attributes that will define the
business of tomorrow.
3D printing allows factories to be more adaptable and flexible to changing
market demands. It also allows for all types of personalized objects to be made
without the need for costly molds or other manufacturing equipment. Likewise,
chocolate 3d printer is a excellent ally for the environment, which is an
important characteristic considering our current climatic situation and the
importance of utilizing sustainable manufacturing methods that use less
resources and generation of waste.
Future prospects for additive manufacturing
The future of additive manufacturing appears bright. The increasing number of materials and techniques, together with the considerable amount of scientific research and the development of specialist companies which has led to an increase in possibility of applying the technology. 3D printing is now the most popular manufacturing method in a wide range of industries, and has the potential for continuous expansion. Because of COVID-19's current global environment 3D printing has experienced more growth and consolidation. This is due to the increased demand for customized components.
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